I often get asked the question why I don’t have any of my rates posted here. The answer is quite simple. Your best rate will depend on many factors like, your income type, your credit score etc. By putting up my absolute lowest rates here, many assume that they will be able to qualify for that rate. Many will. Some may not.
Another reason is the mortgage may not have the best features for your needs. While you may find websites that compile all the various lenders best rates, they often never list the features that come along with those rock bottom rates. Some can be very restrictive, some may have very high penalties if you break the mortgage mid-term. If you don’t think these will be things that you have to worry about, you definitely don’t want to here some stories that have proved other people wrong. Here’s a link to a story that happened at the beginning of the pandemic.
No one can predict what life will have in store for you over the term of your mortgage. The company you work for could go under, they may offer to transfer you to another part of the country, or another country altogether. You might get married and start a family, or you could grow apart from your partner and need to go your separate ways. These and a thousand other factors could happen to anyone and could cost you in ways you never expected. The last thing you need to find out at that point is your mortgage cannot be ported to another part of Canada because the lender doesn’t allow porting of that product. Or if you break your mortgage midterm because you are moving out of the country, the penalty is in the tens of thousands of dollars instead of just several thousand. I prefer to offer you all options and rates and let you decide what you will be comfortable with, and if you think that the mortgage with the absolute lowest rate is best for you, then I will be more than happy to get you that mortgage.
It all starts with a phone call. I love to hear more about you and what makes you unique. Call me and I’ll find the best mortgage for you!